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Covid-19 Update - Lockdown January 2021

Covid-19 Update - Lockdown January 2021

Dear All,

I hope you had an enjoyable, although somewhat different, Christmas and New Year.

By now you will be aware that the Government has rolled out new Covid-19 restrictions, which sadly includes the closure of salons once again.  As always, I want to reassure you that our clients and colleagues are our number one priority, and we will do everything in our power to help support you all through this additional lockdown period.

We will remain operational in all departments throughout this period and have made many adjustments to ensure our staff can work safely and efficiently to support you on the phones, delivering orders, on-line education and on email.


  • Our Customer service team will maintain normal opening hours between 8.45am until 5.15pm – Monday to Friday on the usual number 01282 444900. You can also contact us on or via our social media channels
  • Sales team booked appointments and meetings: Meetings with your sales consultant will continue to take place over the phone or via Zoom with you and your team. We are still here to support you and our team will be in touch to arrange this. You can also continue to use WhatApp, Messenger or email orders and queries so please do continue to communicate with us via these channels whilst our team are unable to personally visit you
  • Education and training: This will still take place however this will be via video conferencing, Zoom, Skype, face time, email, telephone, and social media. Our Education team will be in touch to arrange this. Please note: we expect demand for education to be high during this period and we will do our best to accommodate you where possible. We’ll also bring back our popular social media education sessions to keep you all busy and motivated during this lockdown period
  • Keeping in Touch: We will be keeping our website (, social media channels and email newsletters up to date with all information regarding deliveries, education and support. If you have not done so already, please ensure you are following us on social media and sign-up to our emails


If you haven’t done so already I would encourage you to visit the Government website and find out if you are entitled to any additional grants and support -

I hope that this is the final time I will have to write a communication such as this, and that over the next few weeks the light at the end of this tunnel continues to grow brighter and we can prepare for a successful return to “normal life”!

Thank you for your continued love and support in these strange times, if we all stick together by staying apart, we will get through this!

Sending all the strength and love I can to you and your families. Wishing you a happy, and most importantly, a safe New Year from everyone at Salon Promotions.

Very Best Regards
Neil Capstick
Managing Director
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